Monday, September 14, 2009

COMEX Singapore registers 19year record high sales – down turn benefits?


SINGAPORE : It may be an economic downturn, but sales at COMEX have reached a new high in its 19-year history.
The four-day IT show generated sales of S$63 million. That is a 10 per cent increase from last year's COMEX.
Despite the sales increase, the number of visitors over the four days was similar to last year at around 710,000.
The last day of COMEX saw many bargain hunters walking away happy. For example, a 32-inch LCD TV was going for S$549, while prices of some notebooks went for as low as S$559 each.
Some visitors told Channel NewsAsia they had waited for the last day of COMEX 2009 to get the bargains.
Exhibitors also noted that consumers were more willing to spend this time round, with one reporting a 20 per cent increase in sales.

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